Graim Lab


The Graim lab is currently recruiting PhD students, undergraduate researchers. PhD students can apply through CISE or the Genetics and Genomics program at UF. Graduate level researchers should send an introductory email and undergraduate researchers should apply through this google form.

We are a collaborative lab that works closely with researchers at UF and other universities.

Masters/Undergraduate Researchers

  • Mira Balaji - undergraduate researcher (fall 2023 - spring 2024)
  • Franco Krepel - undergraduate researcher (spring 2024)
  • Nathan Gilman - undergraduate researcher (fall 2024)


  • Rachel Fenton - undergraduate researcher (spring 2023 - spring 2024)
  • Lucas Pereira - undergraduate researcher (fall 2022 - spring 2024)
  • Jonathan Kahn - undergraduate researcher (spring 2023 - spring 2024)
  • Ayushma Joshi - graduate researcher (fall 2023 - spring 2024)
  • Jiayu Huang - undergraduate researcher (fall 2022 - spring 2023)
  • Ravi Teja Veernapu - graduate researcher (summer - fall 2022)
  • Bryan Atkinson - undergraduate researcher (summer 2022)
  • Manas Gupta - graduate researcher (fall 2022)
  • Adam Opyrchal - undergraduate researcher (fall 2021)
  • Adriel Nittala - undergraduate researcher (fall 2021)
  • Ana Ausek - undergraduate researcher (summer 2021)
  • Soumya Gottipati - undergraduate researcher (fall 2020 - summer 2021)

Remember that the PhD is a marathon, not a race. Be kind to yourself and your labmates and do good science. While academic freedom is earned by academic productivity, the Graim Lab has no expectation that students, staff, or faculty work nights or weekends. We expect everyone to respect other’s choices of their work hours. This means that you can send an email late Saturday night but do not expect a response until normal working hours.

Join the Team


Our work is made possible by funding from several organizations, including an NIH/NCI R01 and a catalyst fund from the UF Cancer Center and UF Intelligent Critical Care Center.